Books and Papers

From the causes of eating disorders to the most effective treatment approaches, this guide offers honest answers to difficult questions. Drawing on their experience supporting young people and adults with eating disorders, the authors provide insight into treatment and share information about recovery that is often harder to find. Ideal for individuals and families at every stage of the recovery process, this book is relevant and sensitive to all types of eating disorders.

Emotion Regulation for Young People with Eating Disorders
A Guide for Professionals

Sophie Nesbitt,
Lucia Giombini (2021).

Emotion Regulation for Young People with Eating Disorders is a supportive guide for professionals to help them build effective therapeutic relationships with young people struggling with eating disorders.

Emotion Skills Training for Young People
CREST-GYP Inpatient Manual

Giombini, L., Nesbitt, S., Kusosa, R., Fabian, C., Birch, R., Easter, A., and Tchanturia, K. (2020).

This manual offers guidance on a collaborative exploration of the young people’s thinking and emotional processing styles, giving them basic language and skills to understand, manage and express their emotions. It can be used in clinical settings and for research purposes.

Lucia Giombini publication 1

Eating disorders, Levels of Care and Clinical Reflections on Body Image

Dalla Ragione, L., Giombini, L. (2015). I Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare: livelli di trattamento e riflessioni cliniche sull’immagine corporea (pp. 38-44). In L. Ciccolini, D. Cosenza (Eds), Il Trattamento dei disturbi alimentari in contesti istituzionali, Psicoterapie, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

Lucia Giombini publication 2

Imperfect Solitude: Best Practice in Eating Disorders

Dalla Ragione, L., Giombini, L. (Eds) (2014). Solitudini Imperfette. Le buone pratiche nei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare. Ministero della Salute, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento della Gioventù. Italy.

Lucia Giombini publication 3

Lifestyle and Risky Behaviour in Young People

Giombini, L., Di Cosmo, C., Zambianchi, M. (2013). Stili di vita e comportanmenti a rischio. In Ricci Bitti, P.E., Gremigni, P. (Eds) Psicologia della Salute. Modelli teorici e contesti applicative. Carocci Editori, Italy.

Lucia Giombini publication 4

Body Image and Eating Disorders in Adolescence

Dalla Ragione, L., Giombini, L. (2012). Disturbi dell’identità corporea. Valutazione dell’alterazione dell’immagine corporea. In Dalla Ragione, L., Mencarelli, S. (Eds). (pp. 129-165; pp.168-183). L’inganno dello specchio. Immagine corporea e disturbi del comportamento alimentare in adolescenza. Franco Angeli, Milan, Italy.

Lucia Giombini publication 5

Clay Giants: Eating Disorders in Males

Giombini, L. (Co-Editor) (2009). In Dalla Ragione, L., Scoppetta, M. (Eds). Giganti d’argilla:i disturbi del comportamento alimentare maschili. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Rome, Italy.